outputs of the slow reading course responding to the input text Consequences of distances
001_Consequences of distances – input text (in CZ), Aleš Čermák: https://zpomalenecteni.wordpress.com/2020/10/09/example-post-2/
slow reading course I.
audiovisual poem
slow reading course II.
slow reading course III.
I'm finally sick. Finally, my body said yes to rest, and I can rest without feeling guilty or lazy. I don't have to go anywhere, because that could endanger people around me. Suddenly everyone is interested about that. The neighborhood expects me to close myself at home. And I will rest. Being sick made me free.

My bed is my kingdom.

I'm sending a series of drawings that copy the folds in my sheets. Movement records are very classic in my work. I'd like to stay here for a while. I'll set an alarm to remind me to really rest.
slow reading course IV.
I surrounded myself with colorful flowers at a time when everything seems gray.