Assignment, summer semester 2011/12
Can the gap between "us" and "them" be bridged?

Can we see solutions to the problems of the minortiy, from the point of view of the majority? 

Does the museum contribute to providing an authetic cultural identity, history, or does it create a new identity?

Who is the Museum of Roma Culture actually for?

What does the future look like for the Cejl area? How can it be reconstructed without losing is specificness?

What role can the creative process play in this situation?

These are some of the issues, which the context of the Museum of Roma Culture in the Cejl Area of Brno poses. The assignment is defined only as context for some kind of intervention.
William J. Mitchell , Placing Words, Symbols, Space, and the City , The MIT Press, Cambridge 2005.
William J. Mitchell , Space, Place, and the Infobahn, City of Bits , The MIT Press, Cambridge 1999.

[GUST] Ghent Urban Studies , Post Ex Sub Dis. Urban Fragmentations and Constructions , 010 Publishers, Rotterdam January 2003.

[GUST] Ghent Urban Studies , The Urban Condition: Space, Community, and Self in the Contemporary Metropolis , 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 1999.