En Plein Air with students from The Environment Studio, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno UT, and The IN Studio, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava. Location: The Lidice Memorial
Dates: 25. 4. 2012 – 1. 5. 2012

A plein air / workshop of students from the two linked art schools focussing on the issue of the permanent preservation of memories, reviving the collective memory in the creative processes of the individual artists, in response to the current spatial, cultural and social situation as defined by location.
Alois Riegel , The modern cult of monuments: its character and origin ,Tr. Kurt W. Forster and D. Ghirardo. Oppositions 25 (1982), 21-50.
James E. Young , At Memory's Edge: After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture , Yale University Press, 2000

James E. Young , The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning , Yale University Press, 1994.

James E. Young (ed.) , Holocaust Memorials in History: The Art of Memory , Te Neues Pub Group, Verlag 1994.

Kurt Foster , Monument/Memory and the Morality of Architecture ,Opposittions 25

Maya Lin , Making the Memorial , 2000 , link

Michel Foucault , Of Other Spaces (1967) , Heterotopias, 1967 , link

Nora Pierre , Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire ,Representations 26, 1989

Paul Sigel , Seeking Traces of the Past - Thinking about history in public places , , , link

Robert S. Nelson, Richard Shiff et al. , Kritické pojmy dejín umenia ,Slovart, Bratislava, 2004

Sigfried Giedion , Architecture, You and Me: The Diary of a Development, Harvard UP 1958

W. J. T. Mitchell (ed) , Art and the Public Sphere , University of Chicago Press Journals, Chicago 1992.