Ateliér environment / FaVU VUT Brno Kontextově orientovaný ateliér FaVU VUT v Brně

Klára Lázničková


singing, emotions, silence, purification, voice – possibility of expression, consonance

The project Písnění was originally created as part of the collaboration of the Environment studio with the Basement gallery in project Radio station – Two Weeks of Compassion. It was a eight-hour program called Písnění/ As long as it’s sung, it’s not dead yet – Dokud se zpívá, ještě se dá umřít (return to roots). The project transformed into a series of concerts and other performences.

In the concept of project Písnění is the main consonance of singing (it’s not karaoke). My singing with the singing of the original singers exists in harmony.
The selection of songs goes back to the depths of Czech pop, folk, country and chanson music.
Most of the time this selection of evergreen songs, constantly played on the radio stations, annoys us. Returning and immersing ourselves in the roots of Czech culture is irritating for many of us. But nostalgia opens the door to memories and emotions. These melodic evergreens are deep within each of us. We probably know the melody and lyrics to each of these songs…Sometimes we like to sing them…

For me, this project is primarily about the possibility of getting my voice in an environment where my voice is marginalized due to stronger voices.
Through heart-wrenching songs, I can fully let go and express emotions in lyrics interpreting my unspoken words. The long hours of my singing represent my frustratio
n, anger, sadness and pain. These melodically simple yet strong and powerful songs are my means of expression. This style of expressing emotions through melodic music is accessible and close to each of us.

Long hours of singing to the point of complete exhaustion are a necessity for a traumatized and tired soul.

Písnění 5 – As long as we sing we are not dead, six-hour singing performance (return to roots), festival Art against War, Dům Skleněná louka, Brno
Písnění 4 – Return to Roots, four – hour singing performence, FaVU New Season 2021, FaVU VUT, Brno
Bydlenky (DIY homemade woman’s artwork), Collectiv project and own signing performence – Písnění 3, exhibitionn in the Social center Brno-sever, Lesná – KS Omega, Brno
Písnění 2 – As long as we sing we are not dead, six-hour singing performence- return to roots,
Bučení 4 – internacional festival of sound and visual art, electronic and experimental music, Přespolní
Písnění 1 – As long as we are sing we are not dead, eight-hour singing performence and other original programs, Collectiv project – radio: Two weeks of compassion in the Basement gallery, Prostějov -Atelier Environment